SopGra in Buckingham , Buckinghamshire

Profile Picture
From Denmark, in the Danish Infantry, soon-to-be a civilian. Mother to a beautiful daughter. Just looking around, no sure what Im looking for. Am a full time mother, currently studying Business and Occupational Health and Safety Law - that keeps me rather busy, as Im either studying or entertaining my gorgeous little girl. Like the outdoors, so spend a great deal of time there! Not religious, no-smoker, with a generally healthy lifestyle. Except for the wine, cheese and chocolate :D Also enjoys a great cuppa coffee/tea, especially if the company is interesting. My life: Having fun. Going for walks, out and about... Spend a lot of time away from home.
Personal Details

SopGra is white, 32 years old and lives in Buckingham , Buckinghamshire.

She is single and is 5 foot 4 inches tall with brunette hair and brown eyes and an average figure.